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5 ways to help eliminate project delays

Written by Mariana Morales | May 4, 2016 at 1:42 PM

Project delays, cost overrun and scope creep are unfortunately part of many marketing campaigns.  For marketers then, having an arsenal of active tools to help eliminate or at least decrease project delays is a necessity. 

Below are some thoughts and solutions that can be implemented to help eliminate marketing project delays.

  1. Appoint a project manager

The key to eliminating project delays is to begin each project with a defined scope, design and goal, as well as, a point person to be responsible for their management. Appointing a project manager or leader ensures accountability and transparency. The project manager can concentrate on monitoring the varying processes that are working together to ensure that the project is executed successfully.

  1. Recognize and address the problem

If a project has hit a snag, the first and only step you need to take to move the project delay ahead is to pinpoint the exact problem. Has the project gone over deadline? Has a lack of clear objectives thrown the project in a new direction? Once you are clear with what the problems is, then you can make a push towards solving it. Perhaps that might mean throwing “all hands in” to speed up the expected completion date.

  1. Open lines of communication

Transparency is the key to moving project delays along. Having an open line of communication between all moving parts of the project including relations with the customer will make the difference between being caught off guard by a delay and having the tools to properly weather the storm.

  1. Create deadlines and commit

For marketing projects to be successful, serious planning for each stage of the campaign must be accomplished. In the early planning stages, define a realistic timeline complete with specific task deadlines and personnel assignments for the moving parts. Always keep value in the back of your mind, completing a task at a sub par level just to say it's done is not of value to your client.

  1.  Adopt an agile project management style

Sometimes project delays are inevitable and that is just the way things fall. But development and marketing teams that have adopted an agile project management style are finding delays less frequent. This is because this style practices a combination of open communication, frequent assessment, shortened work cycles and adaptability. Projects remain relevant, timely and decisions are made based on need as a the project moves along.  

The simplest way to anticipate and or eliminate project delays is to hold regular project review meetings.  This incorporates project management, task management and open communication and takes relief off any obstacles that arise.  Collaboration and support is the best way for projects to maintain a forward trajectory. Learn how to streamline your process with the ultimate guilde to agile marketing ebook below.