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Behind The Coding: Anas Nawaz - Laravel and HubSpot Integration Expert

Written by Sajeel Qureshi | April 5, 2023 at 7:45 AM

Hi Anas! What are the last 3 things you Googled and why? 

1 – Payment integrations  

Payment integrations? Why? 

I was specifically looking at EasyPaisa and JazzCash.  

An exciting choice of payment providers.  What for? 

I try to keep up to date on different tools and technologies if I ever need to use them in the future.  I thought it would be good to understand how EasyPaisa and Jazzcash work specifically.  

How do they work? 

Not great for developers! There is no Open API.  Only their development teams can work on it. 

That’s too bad.  What else did you Google? 

How to update the Laravel version on existing Laravel projects. 

Can you elaborate for the readers? 

I wanted to set up a base project with standard modules like login, registration, and forgot password modules.  That was on one version of Laravel.  But the project I wanted to integrate those modules with was using a newer version of Laravel.  So I Googled around to find the best way to do that. 

What else did you, Google Anas? 

The PSL 8 match highlights 

Didn’t you watch the final of the cricket league? 

Nope! I had some personal work, but I am glad my team the Lahore Qalandars won!   

Would you say you are a big cricket fan? 

Not really no.  I just watch the Pakistan Super League and India vs. Pakistan matches.   

Who are 3 people you'd like to have dinner with at the same time and why Anas? 

I would take three teachers out. 

What teachers? 

University Professors from the University of Sargodha. 

Ok! Nice! Which ones? 

One would be  Dr. Shaftaq Hussain Niazi, who was my statistics teacher, the other would be Samreen Razaaq, who taught me programming, and the third would be my IT/Networking teacher Shafan Khaliq   

That’s nice that you have such fond memories of your teachers, Anas! 

Yeah.  I really learned a lot from each of them, and I really appreciate them. 

Do you ever go back to school to visit? 

I want to, but I live too far away.  I can still remember the school perfectly, though. 

You should visit! 

I will, soon.  I have to pick up my degree since I graduated during the COVID lockdowns.  I will say hi to them all then. 

It sounds like a lot of fun! When was the last time you worked after hours to solve a complex problem? 

I was working on building a custom survey application.  The application is a NodeJS app and needs Google Authentication to log in.  I was stuck in this situation where Google would redirect to the backend API URL, not the frontend API URL.    

When was the last time you cried tears of laughter?  

My cousin asked for my resume in our family chat group. 

Why did that make you cry tears of laughter? I’m confused. 

Because he thought I was unemployed. 

I’m still confused.  Why is that funny?  

Because Sajeel.  I work nights here at Computan and rest during the day when most family visits.  So they think I am unemployed and need a job 😊. 

Hahahaha…so because you work at night and work from home, they think you don’t work? 

Hahaha! Yes, that’s right.   

Hahaha! Just wow.  What do you love about Coding? 

I love a lot of things.  Problem-solving is the key thing I love.  I love to solve computer problems.  But not Human problems. 

Why not human problems? 

They are way too complicated! And also a lot less logic 😊  

Hahaha! When was the first time you saw a computer? 

I was 10.  My friend came to my house to tell me his dad had bought a computer.  It was a fantastic machine. 

What did you do with it? 

I played Need For Speed, of course.  What else would I do with it? 

What is something your teammates don't know about you? 

They don’t know much about my salary.   

Or your humor!  

Yes, or my humor.