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Here's Why HubSpot is a Good Website Platform

Written by Sajeel Qureshi | September 12, 2018 at 1:00 PM

When you think about HubSpot, you may think about its advanced marketing software. However, HubSpot is a good website platform as well. Its built-in features help with things such as SEO and landing page development. The best part about using HubSpot as a website platform is that it is easy to integrate advanced marketing strategies.

Integrate HubSpot’s Marketing Tools

Seamless integration with HubSpot’s marketing software is a huge bonus to using this platform. HubSpot website integration means that you will have access to analytics and be able to create personalized marketing strategies. You can segment your audience based on their behavior. This will allow you to stay ahead of your competitors. Having your website platform communicate seamlessly with your marketing software is imperative to having a high-functioning website.

Easy-to-Use Interface

HubSpot’s template builder allows you to drag and drop elements to build your website. Once you have a page built, it is easy to customize. You can build off of already created pages when building new ones. Easily add CTAs and other elements to optimize your website. You don’t need to use any code when building your website using HubSpot. You will also easily be able to implement SEO best practices using HubSpot. Having your site rank higher in search engines is essential for a competitive website.

Build a Secure Site

Not only do visitors sometimes feel uneasy visiting a non-secure site, but it is also imperative for your site to be secure to show up in search engines. HubSpot’s websites are always secure. Any data that a customer inputs into your site will be protected. This is great for both the developer and the customer.

Optimized for Mobile

Today, most people using the internet use it on their phones. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile, you are losing business and potential leads. When creating a website with HubSpot, ensure it will work on mobile. HubSpot will ensure that the pages on your website will automatically adjust to the dimensions of whatever device a user is browsing on.

Find a HubSpot Web Development Partner

If you think a HubSpot website is right for you, you may need to work with a professional developer. Unlike WordPress, HubSpot does not offer readily available plug-ins. A HubSpot website developer can ensure you can customize your website to suit your needs. You can contact us for a quote if you’re interested in using HubSpot as your website platform.