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How to find the right mobile app developer company

Written by Mariana Morales | May 18, 2017 at 3:24 PM

If you've got an amazing idea for an app, you need to find a team that can bring that idea into reality. Creating an app is an investment, in your business, but also in a partnership with a development team and your future users. 

There are hundreds of companies out there that are developing mobile apps, but how do you find the best mobile app developer company? The one that is willing to collaborate, innovate and deliver a technically sound app that can grow as your business does?

When you are sourcing for your upcoming custom mobile app development company, here are some factors to consider so that you can make sure the process is smooth and the final product is exactly what you envisioned.


Start with the apps your know and love 

We're not saying source out the developers of Instagram, but we are saying start by looking at the field. Look at the apps you know and love or ones that solve the pain points that you aim to and inquire about who developed the app. Don't be afraid to ask the business who their app developer is, the thing is if they did a great job, the business won't hesitate to offer a referral. 

If you are company or marketing agency who likes to work locally, then search your local market for apps that have been developed right in your community. 

You should always source more than one agency, we suggest looking at a minimum of three, because aside from technical chops you will want to work with excellent communicators. 


Ask the people and the companies that you already know

Dig into your black book and access the minds of companies and contacts in the industry. Likely you've worked with marketing agencies, graphic designers, developers or even know marketers who know app developers. This is important from a trust and comfort level. 


Do your due diligence in interviews

Like any employee you are about to hire, it's important to interview and do your own background research. You should look for testimonials or reviews of the company, you should download the apps they've built and take a test run, you should contact the companies that they've worked with in the past. We created a rundown of how to interview and source custom mobile app development companies here. 


The best web developers are also app developers, the bottom line is you need to look for fit and technical chops. Don't settle for the cheapest either, this is your business, get your app built right.