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How to get better results from your wordpress developer

Written by Mariana Morales | August 29, 2016 at 4:06 PM

Finding the right outsourced WordPress development team is a process. One that takes a lot of research and many introductory conversations. Once signed on the contracts dotted line, your outsourced team should and will become an integral piece of the puzzle for your agency or marketing department. One that will help you deliver better marketing projects and websites to your clients or bosses.

Getting great results from your developer starts at the hiring stage and extends into project planning and management. Below are our tried and true recommendations for generating great results from your developer.


Hire an experienced WordPress developer

The simplest way to get better results from your WordPress developer is to hire one with experience who has developed a website with similar features and needs as your own. Do you need an eCommerce platform? Great, has your developer built a website with one before and can they make recommendations for the best platform for your website? No? Then they may not deliver you the results you need. Your developer should be willing to deliver not only work examples to you but testimonials from past and present clients.


Loop your WordPress developer in early 

Handing off your project to a developer can worry agencies, especially when that developer is not in house. There may be discrepancies in what the design and marketing team has created, their priorities and aspects to websites features and what the developer interprets and is able to construct. If you loop your developer into your planning sessions they will able to advise, test and help you to build a stronger overall website.


Establish a project management style 

First, assign a project manager for your project and ask that you have a point person on the outsourced team as well. This way these two individuals are tasked with keeping an open line of communication and keeping the project on task. To enhance this relationship, ask your developer to utilize the same project management software that your internal team does, be that Trello, Asana or something similar. This way you can not only assign tasks but set dates for completion and monitor progress.

Another thing to consider is the work style of your agency or department versus your outsourced Wordpress development team. Are they agile developers or do they work in a waterfall style and how will that mesh with your internal work style?


Are you looking for a new WordPress developer to help with your teams website projects? Connect with us below and get a free quote for your next project or learn more about outsourcing your WordPress website here