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How to Make Your Website More Inbound-Friendly

Written by Sajeel Qureshi | February 27, 2018 at 4:47 PM

Your most important inbound marketing tool is your website. In fact, your website is your most crucial marketing tool regardless of how you are strategizing. This is especially true if you operate an eCommerce business or have an online storefront.

Without a properly optimized website, you won’t be able to reach your audiences at the right time, in the right place, and with the right message, which is the core component of the inbound ideology.

These website improvement tips will help make sure your website is doing the job you need it to do for inbound marketing, and identify where you can build.

Use the HubSpot Website Integration Function

HubSpot’s methodology is focused on inbound marketing strategy, and if you integrate your website with HubSpot you will easily be able to take advantage of all of the features the platform has to offer. HubSpot also provides many tools and resources to help you learn more about inbound marketing and ensure you include the important elements on your website.

Create Dynamic Content

Content that provides value to your customers and website visitors is an effective and essential way to keep their attention while building loyalty and expertise. The more you do this, the more you will be able to nurture leads and build a strong brand reputation.

Even if your content is already pretty dynamic, there is always room to be fresh, updated, and revamped. Additionally, your content is a significant factor in your SEO strategy, and with the new changes to Google’s algorithm, optimizing it’s even more important.

Identify What’s Not Working

It’s essential to identify where you need to improve your website and what features are not performing as effectively as they can be.

There are two main ways to determine what elements of your website are and are not working for you. Firstly, you can run A/B tests to test specific elements, such as headings and images. Your other option could be to have a web development company take a look for you.

Optimize For Conversions

Update your forms, CTAs, and landing pages, and evaluate how they are working for your website. You can collect information, generate leads, score new contacts, and add those contacts to segmented lists. All of those elements are important to make sure that your business runs smoothly and successfully.

Hire an Inbound Based Website Development Company

One of your best decisions would be to hire an inbound-based website development company that works closely with HubSpot. They will be able to run tests, diagnose errors, fix issues, and advise on the improvements you should make. Not only does that free up more of your time, but it also gives you the reassurance that you are getting the most value out of your website.