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How to Simplify Your HubSpot Templates With Global Groups

Written by Mariana Morales | November 24, 2017 at 4:27 PM

One of the most important things your brand should always have is consistency, especially throughout your website. That’s one of the beautiful things about HubSpot’s custom templates- you can tailor them to your brand and keep a perfect flow on all of your pages.

You can make HubSpot even easier by using global groups on all of your templates.

Global groups can help your brand stay consistent throughout your website, but they also make it simple to design and create HubSpot templates because they take a lot of the effort out of the equation. Here’s how they work.


What is a Global Group?

HubSpot global groups are groups of modules that appear on multiple pages of your website and don’t change in order to stay consistent throughout. Common examples include your header and footer. Global modules are the individual modules that make up the global groups. These modules can be found on a variety of different templates used throughout your website.


How to Create a Global Group in HubSpot

You can create a new global group in the Design Manager under the content menu in HubSpot. From there, you can choose to clone one of your existing templates, choose from one of HubSpot's pre-built templates, or build on a template you already have. Click the group button and bring together all of the individual modules you would like to have included in the specific group, then click Create Group. Once finished, you can change that group’s settings to global.


Editing Your Groups

Once you have created a global group, you can easily edit it in Design Manager. This tool lets you edit the global modules in your group and customize them to your brand standards. All edits can be made directly in the template builder and then saved accordingly.


When in Doubt, Ask Expert HubSpot Developers

Sometimes it’s easier just to get a web development team to take care of your templates, especially when you don’t have a lot of experience with building HubSpot templates. Your developer can take care of your global groups and make sure they are up to your standards. Working with an outsourced HubSpot development team can help assure you that everything is taken care of and that you haven’t overlooked any of those small details.