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Is HubSpot a good website platform?

Written by Mariana Morales | July 6, 2017 at 8:39 PM

Whenever you approach a new website project of course you want to give the client what they want, but is what they want actually the best thing for them?

If your client has come to you requesting a HubSpot website, are you able to recommend that platform or should you direct them elsewhere?

The good news is that HubSpot is a good website platform. It’s easy to use and has many built in features that lend to important elements like SEO and landing page development. Most importantly though, it will help your client fully integrate with the marketing software they are likely already using.

The downside of HubSpot? You will need to use a certified HubSpot developer to have it built. Let’s look at the elements your client likely sees as positives for building on this platform.


Fully optimized Website

HubSpot acts as your website's host, offers a high performing content delivery network and comes with a built in site security certificate. The template builder automatically builds a responsive site across all screens and on the front end the optimization tools ensure you cover all your bases for incredible SEO opportunity. In fact, you will find that most elements that you add to your templates ask you to consider all the basic optimization strategies.


Automatic integration with their marketing efforts

If your client is already using the platform for their marketing efforts, great, this new site will just help enrich these efforts. The website and other tools like reporting, landing pages, email and social will all be located on one easy to use platform that they are already familiar with. This is hugely positive for those working day in and day out in HubSpot who prefer one home for their digital marketing assets.

Access to HubSpot's advanced tools 

HubSpot is an intelligent platform that helps businesses build strategy based on analytics and with that in mind has made advanced tools like A/B testing and smart content easy to deploy. 


A couple things

The platform is easy to use and the template builder certainly can feel simple with a drag and drop functionality. However, this platform is not like WordPress, you do not have plugins readily available. The functionalities that you will find from plugins on WordPress can be built for your website, but you'll want to hire an experienced HubSpot developer to facilitate this. HubSpot does offer a certification program so ideally you want to hire someone who is certified under the software. Click here to learn more about how to find a developer for HubSpot.