The Digital Developer Blog - Blogs by Computan

7 Mistakes to Avoid While Developing a HubSpot Website

Written by Simranjeet Singh | June 4, 2021 at 3:33 PM

Developing a HubSpot website is easy, but developing it in the right way is tough. And, that’s the bridge the developers need to cross to grow. Over the years, developers have introduced new elements on the websites which were not mistakes initially. But with changing trends, changing habits of viewers, and Google guidelines, those things became outdated and counted as mistakes.

The blog lists such mistakes that every developer must avoid while developing a HubSpot website. But, wait! It’s not only the developers who need to learn from these mistakes. Clients that make such requests to the developers need to know about these mistakes too.

1. Live Chat Pop-up Box

Live chat is a good option to increase engagement with your website visitors. Brands can directly engage with website visitors through the live chat feature. It’s a must-have feature nowadays. You can have a simple chat button at any corner of the website that takes the users to the chatting window. But a few developers just keep the chatting window open as soon as the page is loaded. That is not recommended because it hides the content of the website.

When you keep the chat box or contact form open as soon as the page loads, then it covers nearly half of the screen of the mobile right from the beginning. That disrupts the whole user experience of your website.

2. Too Many Animations

Animations definitely look cool but put a serious load on the website. If it is extremely necessary to have animations on your website because your website demands, then have animations, but not too much. Too many animations increase the page loading time.

In today’s time, where the speed of the webpage is important, take every step to decrease the page load time. Businesses that require animation displays because they are from the video editing and VFX niche can focus on animations and avoid other features.

3. Scroll Scroll Scroll

Avoid using too lengthy pages that require lots of scrolling. People love scrolling but only on social media networks where they binge on the cringe content. That’s why social media channels have endless scroll features.

Website home page, service pages, contact page, or any landing page must not be made too lengthy. Keep them short. A webpage that is generally lengthy on desktop; imagine how long it will be on mobile. It will be an endless scrolling experience without taking the website visitor anywhere to take action.

If the pages require more content, then you can add a slider or add a sub-tab to the page. Sliders and tabs also look good even in the mobile view.

Blog pages are different as the intention of the visitor is to read content on the blog page. Scrolling is not a problem on blog pages if the content is engaging and it serves the intention of the user. 

4. Multiple Stylesheets

While developing any page, include everything in one stylesheet. If you create multiple stylesheets even then, you have to combine them into one. Once combined, they send multiple HTTP requests. I know some developers don’t consider creating one monstrous CSS file over single CSS source files.

  • Creating one big CSS file that is minified loads faster as CSS gets cached. And once the big CSS file is loaded for the first time, it won’t take much time to load that.
  • Single-source CSS files generate too many HTTP requests eating the bandwidth unnecessarily.
  • Single source files are definitely easy to organize than one huge CSS file. But this is troublesome only if you regularly make changes in the CSS file. If you don’t change it often, having one CSS file won’t be a problem.

The same suggestion is for JavaScript. More files generate more HTTP requests to the server. This increases the page loading time and slows down your website.

5. Lots of Redirections

Having too many redirects on your website will also increase the page loading time. The pages that are not needed, de-index them from the search engines. Only in very important cases have the redirects on your website.

Redirections can be avoided if you properly plan your URL structures before starting the development of your website.

6. Building Custom Modules the Wrong Way

All clients do not know to code. Even I don’t know coding much, but I can edit the page on HubSpot, upload a blog/image tweak a thing or two. All of this stuff using just drag and drop option. This happens because Computan HubSpot developers built custom modules that are easily editable on the frontend. Many developers develop websites that only they can, or someone with deep knowledge of coding can edit. That limits the options for the client.

As the no-code culture is on the rise, it is highly important to build something with easily editable options. Even the non-coders should be able to change background colors/images, add/replace images in the placeholder, change text and stylize it, reposition the text and images, and other basic stuff on the go.

7. Confusing Names of the Modules

Since there are a lot of elements on a page, several custom modules are built, for example, Header image, header text, testimonials, image holder, text holder, numbers, and portfolio, and others as per the requirement of the page. If the names of these custom modules are given correctly, it is easy to find and edit them. Confusing names are like; image_1, image_2, text_3, text_4 and so on are not recommended. Try to name them clearly within three words.

Work with HubSpot developers that don't do these mistakes and follow proper developing guidelines. They are just on the other side of the below button.