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The 20 best web apps right now

Written by Mariana Morales | May 16, 2017 at 5:52 PM


Developers continue to create and improve web apps because the functionality of these apps help hundreds of thousands of businesses work better.

There are many web apps that you probably don't realize that you are using, like GMAIL or Facebook. To most these are just websites and yet, they are so much more than that. They may not seem like your typical app because you aren't required to download or plug-in the platforms in order for them to function across browsers and devices.

Below is a list of the best web apps that you can find online right now.

Best Web Apps for Business Tools:

The most popular apps for business, not surprisingly, come from Google. The Google suite continues to expand and for many businesses, G-Suite has become an essential too. Other long standing web apps like Dropbox and Evernote continue to top the list of the most popular apps, as well.


Google Drive



Quickbooks Online

Google Suite 

Office 365



Best Web Apps for Marketing or Sales:

The best web application design comes from those companies who truly understand businesses pain points. The following marketing and sales solutions are the biggest on the planet because they all built a platform that solves pain points and makes reporting and data clear and easily trackable. 







Best Web Apps to use for Communication Tools:

Project management and communication have always been the backbone of many businesses ongoing success, these apps simply help to make communicating easier.




Best Web Apps for Social:

What would we be without social tools? The following web apps continue to dominate the social movement both on the web and in the mobile app game. 

Facebook Pages

Instagram for Business


 These apps may be ruling the internet, but sometimes your company will have unique internal needs and that's when  custom web application design and development may be right for you. Commissioning a development company to develop data-driven databases or even custom internal company intranets will help your business grow. Find out more about the possibilities of building your own business focused web application.