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Using WordPress for Ecommerce: How The Integration Works

Written by Sajeel Qureshi | April 10, 2018 at 8:02 PM

Many people use WordPress for a variety of things, and the options seem to be ever-expanding. It has evolved significantly as a website platform, and now provides fantastic ecommerce solutions that can help you launch your online store successfully.

Using WordPress for ecommerce is easily done by integrating the right plugin, and there are many available. However, the most commonly used plugin is WooCommerce- it powers about 30% of all ecommerce websites around the world.

WordPress and WooCommerce

WooCommerce is a plugin that allows you to use WordPress for ecommerce purposes. It will transform your website into a fully functional online store that is designed to drive conversions and increase customer interactions.  

With WooCommerce, you are able to add all of the elements that make your ecommerce efforts work. This includes the shopping cart, coupons, online payments, product catalogues, and more. It applies to both digital downloads and physical products, so you have a range of options to work with.

The plugin is free, but you will need to pay for add-ons or extra subscriptions later on.

The Initial Setup

You don’t need to be a WordPress developer to use WooCommerce because it’s very user friendly. However, you’ll need to have some decisions made ahead of time before you start installing. Consider how you will use the following factors: shipping methods, inventory processes, payment systems, and product listings.

If you have those big decisions made before you start building out the site, the process will be a lot smoother to get your ecommerce store up and running. That’s because a lot of those options need to be implemented in the development stages.

When it’s time to install the plugin, you can easily follow the setup wizard on your screen that will walk you through the how-to basics.


Further Customizations and Updates

As you continue using your store, you will quickly learn what works and what doesn’t. You will also begin to think about certain elements you may not have originally considered. For example, you may come across a feature on a competitor’s website that you’d like to use for yours.

WordPress is a website that always helps you evolve and grow, and the platform makes it easy to implement changes and tweaks.

Custom WordPress Site Development

Of course, you can always hire a web developer for some custom WordPress site development that will help you achieve more of what you want. Sometimes it can be tricky to implement the builds you want if you like to think outside of the box, especially if you don’t know too much about HTML. In that case, it’s best left up to the experts who know exactly what to do to implement what you need.