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What is a chief marketing technologist?

Written by Mariana Morales | April 27, 2015 at 4:59 PM


70% of jobs related to the new economy have to do with marketing, technology and data.  The Chief Marketing Technologist (CMT) is one of those jobs on the rise and is already in 81% of large companies.  But do you know what they do and why there is so much demand? 

The CMT embodies the convergence of two previously separate functions in business: the CIO / CTO and CMO. The reason is that marketers increasingly carry more weight in the area of ​​technology: in 2012, Gartner predicted that in 2017, marketing managers of companies would spend more money on technology that CIOs. Check out this article by our very own Sajeel Qureshi that outlines why marketing technologists are your next hire in The Huffington Post.

In summary, the Chief Marketing Technologist is a hybrid between the world of marketing and technology, progressively interrelated. The right profile for the position is, therefore, a professional with training and experience in both areas, which has played different roles in them and can unify this knowledge. Or as Steve Jobs said in his famous speech at Stanford University, to "connect the dots" from two traditionally remote areas, that in the future will be increasingly integrated.

Want to know how to hire a Chief Marketing Technologist? Grab our free ebook on how to rebuild your marketing department!