The Digital Developer Blog - Blogs by Computan

What are The Standard Social Media Image Sizes?

Written by Mariana Morales | April 24, 2015 at 12:58 PM

There’s a lot of confusion on this matter, and it’s only logical: Social Media Networks keep changing their sizes from one moment to the other. But don’t worry.... we’re here to help! Today we’re going to explain the image sizes of every social media you may need to use on your digital marketing initiatives.


  1. Facebook

Cover Photo: 851x315 pixels.

Profile Photo: 180x180 pixels.

Tab: 111x74 pixels.

Link Image: 1200x627 pixels.

Shared Image: 1200x1200 pixels.

  1. Twitter

Header: 1500x500 pixels.

Profile photo: 400x400 pixels.

Shared photo: 1024x512 pixels.

In-stream photo preview: 220x440 pixels.

  1. Google+

Profile photo: 250x250 pixels.

Cover photo: 2120x1192 pixels.

Shared image (minimum): 250x250 pixels.

  1. LinkedIn

Standard logo: 100x60 pixels.

Square logo: 50x50 pixels.

Banner image: 656x220 pixels.

Shared image size limit: 100 MB.

  1. Pinterest

Profile photo: 600x600 pixels.

Board thumbnail: 222x150 pixels.

Pin: 600xinfinite pixels. 

  1. Instagram

Profile photo: 161x161 pixels.

Image feed: 612x612 pixels. 

  1. YouTube

Profile photo: Comes from Google+

Channel art: 2560x1224

Custom Video Thumbnail 1280x720


We know, why can’t they all get along and just decide on the same sizes? Well, we don’t know, but for now we just need to follow these rules to make sure our images are completely tuned up for social media!

Are you planning on starting your Social Media strategy soon? Congratulations! That’s a step in the right direction! Give us a call and we’ll help you!