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Why You Need a Corporate Intranet Portal

Written by Mariana Morales | December 21, 2017 at 5:24 PM

A corporate intranet portal can do a lot of things for your business, from communication efforts to storing information.

An intranet portal is an access point where members of your organization can get into a private network only for your company. You have control over who is granted access, which means you have total control over the use and regulation of the portal.

No matter what size your business is, there are a variety of features to help you communicate, manage, access information, and stay on top of everything. If you still aren’t convinced, here are some of the many reasons why your business could benefit substantially from a custom corporate intranet portal.


There Are Many Uses For an Intranet Portal

A corporate intranet portal can be used for a variety of different purposes. For example, it can help your employees communicate with your HR team. It can also help with corporate management, as you can go in and monitor what your employees are doing. It can be used for training, storing documents such as time off forms, and even for performance reviews.


Customization Options Let You Focus on Your Business Needs

When you go with a custom built network, you can pick and choose which intranet portal features you would like to incorporate. For example, you can choose to include an employee calendar that will help you keep track of your employees’ meetings, appointments, and time off. You could also choose to store records, such as training documents or certifications.


Your Team Can Access Content Remotely

If someone on your team needs something and they are out of the office, they will be able to access something from home instead of taking the time to come in for one thing. This is extremely useful for companies with remote employees, but it’s also great if you frequently travel for business.


Collaboration is Easier Than Ever

With an intranet portal, your team can easily communicate and collaborate on projects from wherever they are. For example, multiple people can work on one document at the same time, and any remote employees you have can be included in projects in real time.


A Web Development Team Can Build One For You

The best part is that you don’t need to do this yourself if you aren’t technologically savvy. All you need to do is hire a web development team to build a custom intranet portal for you, so you know that everything will be done properly. This will save you a lot of time and effort in attempting to set something up with the resources you have.


If you’re interested in improving your workflow and business productivity through a custom corporate intranet portal, it’s time to talk to your new web development partner. Let them handle the hard work while you take care of your company.