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Website Improvement Tips For Non-Developers

Written by Mariana Morales | January 11, 2018 at 5:45 PM

Your website is your business's most important tool in the online world. If it’s not doing its job, your business could suffer.

It may be time to ask yourself that crucial question: Does my website suck?

A good website doesn’t just focus on a beautiful design- it has to be user-friendly and mobile responsive. If people can’t easily navigate your website, it won’t matter if it’s nice to look at.

If you think it’s time for an upgrade, here are some website improvement tips you can implement immediately to get the ball rolling.

Use More Digestible Content

Today’s digital audience has an 8-second attention span, so if you don’t catch that attention before time is up, they will move on to other things.

Instead of lengthy, block paragraphs of content, stick to shorter, digestible information that people can absorb quickly. Ensure it’s interesting, as they won’t continue reading if your content doesn’t stand out from the competition.

White Space is Not an Enemy

Many people are hesitant to use white space, but white space is a great way to implement strategic, attractive web design that people can easily navigate. It makes it easier for your audience to find some aspects on your page and allows them to focus on your content instead of getting distracted.

Always Optimize For Mobile

You should know by now that more than half of your audience is viewing your website via mobile. That means you should make sure your site is mobile responsive and avoid making any of the common mobile mistakes that could discourage your mobile audience.

Improve Your Page Speed and Loading Time

If your website takes too long to load, people will become impatient and click away. People are used to digesting things at high speeds nowadays, and your bounce rate could become critical if your website doesn’t meet that demand, negatively impacting your conversion rate.

Fix Broken Links

Broken links, such as 404 errors, won’t harm your SEO strategy, but they will frustrate users and drive away some of your audience. People don’t want to spend time navigating through broken links or making much effort to get to a specific page.

Do You Need a Website Redesign?

Sometimes, a website might inevitably need more than just a few little tweaks to give it the help it needs. Sometimes, you may need a complete website redesign to get your strategy where it needs to be to help drive conversions and online traffic. If this is so, it could be time to hire a web development company to create a custom design for you with all the right features.