Nadia Saleem Sulehri

Director - Human Resources

What Is Something Interesting About You?

I have a very good sense of humor. I can make people laugh, and I love to laugh. You can hear me laughing from a different block or city. I like shopping and can shop 24/7. The 'shop till you drop' suits me perfectly, and I have shopped until I dropped many times.

What are some things you are proud of but shouldn’t be?

Well, do I really have to mention the truth here? Okay, I can't stand ill-mannered, disrespectful, misbehaving people and I try to make them feel regret about their acts until they are sorry.

What are some things you should be embarrassed about, but aren’t?

I need to improve with floors. What does that mean? It means I slip and fall all the time! Even more, than toddlers learning to walk. I've had so many embarrassing falls in public places that the people I'm with often get embarrassed, but me? Not once. I stand up, laugh, pretend to blame some invisible person or gravity, and move on.

What are you really good at?

I don't know if I am 'good' at all, but professionally, I am good at creating plans and making decisions. I am also good at standing firm on a ruling regardless of whether I am the only one on it or if a group of people supports me. I don't hesitate to take on new work. I'm also really good at having conversations/arguments; just kidding :)

What are you trying to improve at?

I'm trying to balance my professional and personal life. I need to work on that!

What are some other things the Internet should know about you?

You might have thought I'm a bad person or something after reading these answers. I assure you I am not. Not at all! Ok, maybe a little.

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