
Arhum is an Angular and Node.JS developer on the Computan team.  As the popularity of both technologies has increased we’ve come to rely on his skills for this work often.  In this installment of Behind The Coding Arhum takes us through what he looks for in cricket joggers, going from 0 to 1 in business, and what he would be doing if he wasn’t a developer. 


Hi Arhum!   

Hi Sajeel.  How are you?   

I am good thanks.  What are the last 3 things you Googled and why? 

1 – Cricket joggers 

Why cricket joggers? 

I need a new pair.  Have been playing a lot and need some new ones. 

What makes a good cricket jogger in your opinion? 

Needs to be lightweight so it’s easy to move and run in.   

Definitely.  What else? 

Should be lightweight and long-lasting. Branded (Asics) 

What else have you been Googling? 

NodeJS and Angular stuff. 

What kind of Angular stuff 

Newer releases and things I don’t know.  Like NGRX and Universal or Server-side rendering. 

Always Googling for work! When was the last time you worked after hours to solve a hard problem? 

These days I am working on Node-related tasks with Hassan (Hassan Hashmi).  Since I am still learning NodeJS I am usually online late trying to solve problems there. It is a lot of work and a lot of fun.  
Node certainly is. Who are three people you would like to have dinner with and why? 

I would actually like to have dinner with 5 people.  My parents obviously. 

Of course!  Who else? 

2 friends. One is a business person in the struggle of starting a business.  He could really use a good dinner. 

Starting a business is really tough.  Nice of you to offer him a dinner 

Yes, it’s a struggle and he’s doing that now. 

The effort is massive to go from 0 customers to 1.  Going from 1 to 5 or 10 is way easier than going from 0 to 1. 

Yes, because of all the preparation and effort to start the business. 

Well, it’s great that you have offered to give him dinner.  Who else would you invite?  

A friend of mine who is abroad in Australia.  I haven’t seen him for a long time. 

What would you guys eat? 

We would eat Mutton Karahi (beef cooked in a wok with curry and pepper spices) at Lasani Karahi in Faisalabad.   

 Don’t you have a few siblings? Why aren’t they getting invited? 

Yes, I have a brother and 3 sisters.  We actually meet every weekend so I have a great dinner with them each weekend already! 

Fair enough! When was the last time you cried tears of laughter? 

That’s easy.  The Computan 2021 company tour.  

Which specific part of the company tour? 

I am not sure if I should say…there are actually too many stories. 

You can tell me it’s ok.  Which part was the funniest? 

When Shahid (Shahid Hussain) was singing 


Yes.  He loves to sing and has a lot of confidence…but the way he sings is too funny. 

Well now the world knows about his singing! Where were you when you first saw a laptop/desktop? 

It was 2002 at my grandmother’s house.   

What did you do? 

Not much really! I just turned it on and off.  

Well that’s a skill you use every day! 

Yes I guess that’s true.   

What else did you do on it? 

I played a game Billiards.  It was a Windows 98 machine.  Pretty old one! 

What is something your teammates don’t know about you? 

They don’t know about my family background and my struggle.  

What do you mean by your struggle? 

I don’t have a background in tech.  So I had to spend a lot of time working hard to learn it. My parents were not engineers. 

So you didn’t have that technical pedigree that some of us do. 

Exactly.  I actually wanted to play professional cricket or be a civil engineer. 

What changed your mind? 

Maybe it’s fate or destiny you can say.  My parents thought engineering would be the best thing for me so I went down this path and have worked as hard as I could to get here. 

We are really glad you are here Arhum! 

Thanks Sajeel.  I am glad to be here too.