Foody, father and a fan of Fast and The Furious. Zahid is a HubSpot developer on the Computan team who specializes in coding websites in HubSpot. In this installment of Behind The Coding, he’ll explain why he rarely works late and his family's role.
Hi Zahid! What are the last 3 things you Googled?
The first thing I Googled about was finding a car finance calculator.
Do you want to buy a car?
Yes, I do! There are many options regarding price and budget. I am trying to find the best situation for me.
Are any specific models in mind at the moment?
Yeah! Too many, though. I still need to think more.
What was the second thing you Googled?
I was looking to see when Fast X would be available for streaming.
Are you a big fan of the Fast and Furious movie franchise?
I have seen all of them except Fast X.
A very good choice. What else have you been Googling?
I was Googling about unicorns and bears.
My guess is for yourself, right? 😊
No, no! For my daughter Aiza. She loves stuffed toys—especially unicorns and bears.
Is she a fan of the Fast and Furious movies, too?
Hahaha, no, not yet. Her favorite movie is Frozen.
That’s probably a more age-appropriate choice. When was the last time you worked after hours to solve a hard problem?
I usually don’t like to stay too late. I would prefer to come early and try to organize myself to finish on time.
But Zahid, I have seen you online half an hour or an hour past your shift and have seen you late in the office!
To me, that isn’t really ‘staying late.’ That is something that we need to do from time to time. Staying 2+ hours past is what I’d call ‘after hours.’
Ok fair, do you remember when you had to do that?
One or two months into my career, Rashed (Rashed Alee – HubSpot integrations project manager) was my PM. He asked me to stay a few hours late when HubSpot was new to me. Otherwise, I try to be very punctual!
Who are 3 people you'd like to have a dinner with at the same time and why?
My 3 cousins Hamza, Ahmad and Umar.
Why your cousins?
Because we are similar age ranges and our lives are very similar. We are also all developers!
So there’s a lot to talk about and a lot you three can relate on!
Yes exactly.
Where would you eat?
We go out twice a month. We went to a nice steakhouse a few weeks ago. The food was great.
Nice! When was the last time you cried tears of laughter?
Hahaha…at the same time. Usually when the 3 or 4 of us are together, we laugh and have a great time. The time goes by fast and we really enjoy each other’s company.
Cousins are like our first friends outside of the house aren’t they?
Yes very much so.
What do you love about coding?
I like that there is never a dull moment in coding. I enjoy learning new things and the problem- solving piece of it. There is never a dull or slow moment!
When was the first time you saw a laptop/computer?
I was 13 or 14 years old. My dad bought a desktop for us kids to use. I used to play Lion King and Prince of Persia on it.
Prince of Persia is a classic game. The Lion King though? There was a game? I only have heard of the movie.
The game was good too!
You and Aiza both have a Disney connection
I never thought of that! But yes we do.
What is something your teammates don't know about you?
They know Asif (Asif Mahmood – Computan QC Team lead), but they don’t that we have another brother.
Really? I didn’t know that!
Yes, he’s the middle child. Asif is the oldest and I am the youngest. Another thing they don’t know about me is I don’t like to borrow things!
What do you mean?
I mean I like to buy things on my own and not have to worry about borrowing them.
What is wrong with people lending things to you?
I am always concerned that my feelings will get hurt if they say they don’t want to lend or borrow that thing that I want 😊.