Umar is a Shopify superhero. He can do backend and frontend work in Shopify and has knowledge of creating Shopify Apps. He is also one of the friendliest people you could ever meet. In this issue of Behind The Coding Umar talks about Tiktok, his laughing addiction, and how his life in video games is different from his life in real life.
Hi Umar! What are the last 3 things you Googled and why?
Hi Sajeel! I did a lot of Googling about PPC ads.
You are a developer! What are you doing Googling about Pay-per-Click ads?
I want to learn how to grow a Shopify/eCommerce business. I love eCommerce and want to know as much as I can about it.
What kind of PPC ads specifically were you Googling about?
Today Tikok ads! There is a lot of opportunity in the market with Tiktok ads.
Agreed! What else have you been Googling?
Shopify’s pricing page.
Why so?
I heard that they were running a special $1 subscription for 3 months of Shopify. I thought that was very interesting.
Yeah they do that sometimes. What is the last thing you are Googling?
Pakistani Politics.
Are you interested in Pakistani politics?
Yes very much so!
When did that interest start Umar?
Probably during my University days. I started to follow the politics a little closer.
What do you think about the current situation there?
I generally think there are a lot of opportunities in Pakistan. But we have to adjust our policies so everyone can take advantage those opportunities.
Agreed! When was the last time you worked after hours to solve a hard problem?
It was on Eid Day. Which is like Christmas for me!
What was the issue?
There was a problem with a discount code on a store website. The discount code wasn’t getting applied properly and the client raised an urgent ticket. So I came on and solved the problem
Yes I remember that! Where were you when you got that call?
I was actually at home thankfully. We had family over so I just stepped aside, took care of things and quickly rejoined the group.
Not many people would do that on Eid or Christmas or any special occasion.
I know Sajeel. I feel it’s my responsibility to work whenever needed. We all have a job on the team and this is one area I could help and I was glad to.
Very Nice Umar. Who are 3 people you'd like to have a dinner with at the same time and why?
Well the first would be Imran Khan.
Why Imran Khan?
I like something in him. He seems to be a very honest person. Other politicians do good things as well, but I like Imran Khan.
Why do you like him specifically?
He is a great personality. For example, Imran Khan left and got international fame and recognition. He won a World Cup for Pakistan and doesn’t need to be in politics, but has joined to help the country. Whether he does a good job or not remains to be seen, but his intentions seem good.
Who else would you like to meet for dinner besides Imran Khan?
Maulana Tariq Jamil
Can you share with readers who Maulana Tariq Jamil is?
Maulana Tariq Jamil is a scholar who talks about how people should live their lives. He also does a lot of charity helping to reform criminals and other people on the fringe.
Who else?
Elon Musk!
Why Elon?
He’s an innovative person and always trying new things. Love him or hate him we can’t deny that!
When was the last time you cried tears of laughter?
I laugh a lot and cry while laughing all the time. It happens every day!
You are addicted to laughter!
Yes Sajeel hahaha. If I laugh other people laugh and if other people start laughing then I start laughing.
What do you love about coding?
I like learning new things. The best thing about coding is the brain work involved. It’s a constant exercise of the mind which is a muscle we don’t exercise nearly enough.
Wait, a minute are you talking about my mind or your mind?
Hahaha! In general Sajeel. Neither one of our minds specifically.
Ok ok. Where were you when you first saw a laptop/desktop?
I was at my Aunt/Khala’s house and I was probably 14 or so.
What did you do when you saw it?
We played games. It was Pentium 4 machine! Played games like Need For Speed and Road Rush.
Those are classic driving games.
Yeah, I could still play those.
What is something your teammates don't know about you?
I don’t drive a car! I don’t know how to drive.
So you just drive in video games, but not in real life?
Hahaha! Yeah, that’s right. I can drive a motorcycle anywhere, but not a car. As a matter of fact, I’m learning now!