Ladies and gentlemen, please give a really warm welcome to Rashed Alee! He’s been a member of the Computan team for over a decade and is a Project Manager for HubSpot Integrations. In this installment of Behind The Coding, Rashed talks about his Netflix choices, secrets his teammates of the last 10 years don’t know, and what he and his sisters enjoy doing in their spare time.
Hi Rashed! What are the last 3 things you Googled?
Hi Sajeel. I just finished Googling about Microsoft’s Identity Platform.
Why were you Googling that?
We are building a single-sign-on (SSO) module for some internal Computan apps and it would require a connection with Microsoft’s Identity Platform. I need to understand that to talk with the developers about it.
What makes you a good project manager, Rashed?
I don’t know if I am a good project manager, Sajeel. That opinion belongs to other people, maybe. Not me.
OK, in your opinion, what makes a good project manager?
To me, a good project manager should be someone who can solve problems for the developers and the clients, regardless of whether that problem is technical, tactical, or something else.
What else have you been Googling Rashed?
I am really fascinated with Chat GPT and Open AI.
So you were Googling about it?
I was Googling about the infrastructure and coding behind it. It’s a fantastic application, and I am interested in how it works and was put together.
Everyone is Rashed! What else were you Googling?
I was researching Inventing Anna.
What is that?
It’s a Netflix movie. I love period pieces and history TV shows and movies.
And you’re not a fan of science fiction. Right?
Hahaha. No, Sajeel, I am not. I know you, and I have our differences in that.
We do Rashed! When did you last work after hours to solve a hard problem?
A week ago. We were doing an Aderant and HubSpot integration. Muhammad Faran (HubSpot integration developer) needed a SQL Server DB configured on his local machine converted to MySQL. So I had to stay late and help him with that. It was a few weeks ago.
Who are 3 people you'd like to have dinner with simultaneously, and why?
I always enjoy the time I get to spend with my sisters.
You have mentioned them in the past. Are you guys close?
Yes, we are very close. We usually meet for dinner on weekends.
What do you eat?
Usually, we eat Pakistani food. We like lamb karahi. That is our favorite.
Nice Rashed. When was the last time you cried tears of laughter?
You know me Sajeel. I don’t get so hyper that I cry tears of laughter. I can’t remember a time.
Fair enough, Rashed. What do you love about coding?
I love the ability to create something. Seeing a physical representation of my work is truly rewarding.
Totally agreed, Rashed. And when was the first time you saw a laptop or a computer?
In 1998, we got a Pentium 1 at our house. I used to watch movies and play some odd games here and there.
What is something your teammates don't know about you?
My teammates have known me for a long time. But they probably don’t know how sensitive I am.
Really? You are sensitive, Rashed?
Yes. Very much so. I am usually shy and don’t show my true feelings, but whenever I let my teammates down, I feel it very much.