Video has become an essential part of every content marketing strategy. The stats for using video are undeniable and one of the best places to make a splash with video is on your blogs or landing pages.

For perspective, landing pages that have supportive video can increase conversion rates up to 80%. Video gives you a better chance to drive home your message, build trust and is more appealing across the board to visitors.

It is very easy to add video to your HubSpot blogs and pages, you can do so from the front end. If you want video to be a standing option on your landing pages or your blog you should create a template in the design manager to maintain branding and really make life easy.


How to add video to HubSpot templates

One video that you may like to always have on your blog template is a company overview or an intro video to all the good stuff that your blog may provide your viewers.

To add a video to your blog template, navigate to the design manager and find the template that you'd like to edit. Building HubSpot templates can feel intimidating but you'll find this method easy to walk through.

The best way to add a video is to add the RICH TEXT module to your template. Once you have added the rich text module, click edit options and then navigate to the source code, <>. Inside the edit source code option you will add the code that you have retrieved from your video platform provider, this may be YouTube, Vimeo or perhaps Wistia.

On these platforms you need to look for the embed option, under embed you will find a code, this is the code that needs to go into the source code.

Once you have saved your source code and determined the right size for your video (see the video above your centering) you can publish your template, this will take your video live. Within the source code you can adjust the height and width of your video, the size will be the default of your video hosting provider.


Adding a video header to a HubSpot page

This is a very simplified explanation of how to add video to your pages and blogs, if you would like to add video as a header option on your HubSpot webpages or landing pages connect with a HubSpot developer below for a free consult. To watch more tutorials on building HubSpot templates click here.

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