Nikki Gertner is an experienced media tech leader, client service expert, and outstanding graphic designer. She is the director of product marketing at Celtra and was honored as a 2021 Top Woman in Mediatech Trailblazer.
Nikki discusses the importance of storytelling knowledge for sales, marketing, and RevOps teams. She will also debunk myths and answer questions related to RevOps.
Myth: RevOps is merely one team that performs a particular function.
RevOps and marketing both depend on effective storytelling. A common misperception is that RevOps comprises a single team performing a task. However, RevOps is a cross-functional team that does many tasks that add to a story or narrative. Stakeholders utilize this story to demonstrate what was or was not accomplished, and the data is used to make decisions and guide future actions.
Who else is involved in the process apart from the RevOps team?
According to Nikki, Data Insights (DI) teams are crucial to RevOps. They are essential to other teams as they assist them in finding important data points, navigating the data intelligence platform, and crafting an engaging narrative. She also refers to them as the "real heroes" of RevOps, as Marketing and Sales teams could not communicate without the insights that DI teams provide. They give sales, marketing, customer success managers, and RevOps teams insightful information that helps them plan for the future and make wise decisions.
DI specialists successfully communicate complicated data patterns and trends to stakeholders in addition to being data collectors. Their knowledge is crucial for deriving valuable conclusions from data and turning them into workable plans.
What kind of common technological difficulties as a marketing technologist does she face?
As a product marketer, she raises concerns regarding data inconsistencies across several platforms, which can result in inaccurate client profiles and problems with communication. It worries her to ensure that their messages follow customers' preferences and not disappoint them due to data inconsistencies. She also stresses how crucial it is to have a Data Insights (DI) specialist on staff who can offer a comprehensive perspective of client data, facilitating better-informed and successful methods of communication.
How does she prevent data disparities from happening in the future?
Data inconsistencies can be addressed in two ways: completely deleting the system and starting again or, more practically, finding and fixing the existing differences.
Nikki stresses the significance of concentrating on the most reliable and important information, even if it necessitates recognizing some inconsistencies. The teams throughout the company work together to maintain data integrity and efficient communication in data management. Nikki emphasizes that teams working on RevOps are not the only ones in charge of data management. The organization must work together to ensure data is accurate, dependable, and efficiently used.
How did Nikki resolve a data discrepancy and still give stakeholders insightful information?
Nikki, a data analyst at Celtra, discusses her experience creating a classification system to examine user data when insufficient information is available. She admits this strategy has drawbacks because it depends on concluding limited information. But she also stresses the importance of developing a clear and consistent framework for analyzing data and drawing conclusions, particularly when there are gaps in the available data.
There were difficulties when she first tried to analyze user data. The lack of visibility into user behavior outside of Celtra's platform made it difficult for her to develop valuable insights and compelling narratives about user engagement.
She developed an exclusive classification approach in response to these difficulties, concentrating on finding shared patterns and objectives guiding consumer interactions with different kinds of ads.
This system gave an organized method for evaluating data and deriving insightful information that could be utilized to guide marketing strategies and enhance campaign performance, even though it did not offer detailed insights into particular app environments.
The system's adaptability to varied advertising campaigns and user behaviors enabled the identification of important trends and patterns through various channels.
The system allowed Celtra to take actionable insights from limited data and make better decisions about its advertising strategy by concentrating on shared patterns and objectives. Furthermore, Celtra could apply the system's flexibility to various campaign kinds and user behaviors, guaranteeing its suitability and significance in various situations.
What guidance would she give someone starting a similar process of creating a classification system with incomplete data?
In the long run, it would have been advantageous to understand report users' needs and expectations through more in-depth questioning and initial research. This would have made it possible to improve the classification and create meaningful narratives with greater focus and effectiveness. It is crucial to spot bigger patterns and trends to offer insightful information and help in decision-making, especially in the lack of specific data.
Where does she think product marketing and RevOps are headed in the future?
Nikki draws attention to the lack of uniformity in product marketing, adding that different viewpoints exist on its duties and skills. There is potential for a more unified approach emphasizing the value of collaboration between product marketing and data insights teams to communicate data-driven insights and accomplish common objectives.
The function of product marketing in marketing teams will grow and eventually become a crucial component of the plan. Product marketers face difficulties in identifying their target audience. Still, she sees a day when this strategy will become cross-functional, and they will collaborate with data insights teams to create effective communication.
What made her interested in the field of product marketing?
Nikki started her career in data storytelling, marketing, and RevOps with her first employer at AdTech shortly after graduating from college. Working with publisher and technology vendor companies gave her insight into both ends of the ad monetization process.
The significance of using data-driven storytelling to inform choices concerning client-facing marketing materials, vendor selection, and modifications. Initially, her entrance into the world of product marketing was unintentional, but she was inspired by her appreciation for a technology vendor's product and her subsequent employment there.
She recognizes the importance of her past user experience as a product marketer. This experience helps her generate engaging material and establish connections with engineers, developers, and product managers at Celtra.
She highlights the importance of product marketers leveraging data insights to inform decisions about products and improve the customer experience.
To sum up, everything stated so far, Nikki emphasizes the value of cross-team collaboration and the effectiveness of data-driven storytelling from her experiences in product marketing, AdTech, and RevOps.
Her experiences show the importance of including technical and user viewpoints when making decisions and developing successful marketing campaigns to enhance customer satisfaction.
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