A lot happened in the year 2021. One prominent news came from HubSpot headquarters on April 21, 2021, when the company launched Operations Hub for HubSpot development agencies. Another Hub got added to the family that already had CMS Hub, Marketing Hub, Sales Hub, and Service Hub.
Operations Hub is available for HubSpot development companies in Starter and Professional versions of the pricing plans. It has a free version as well. It helps connect your third-party tools, cleanses your data, and automates business processes.
Data Syncing and Advanced Integration Solutions
We have been saying for years that HubSpot's native integrations are limited. That's why in most cases, we have to go the customer integration route. Native integration supports standard and essential business processes.
Today's business processes are more complex and demand complex data sharing. Sometimes event integration connectors fail to support those unique dataflow requirements. But, thanks to custom integration, most of the updated and special dataflow requirements were met in the past.
HubSpot acquired PieSync and amplified its native integration solution through Operations Hub. This means companies are now much less dependent on custom integration if they are using Operations Hub.
That's a strong claim because similar were the claims made for native integration before this, but still, the native integration was far from supporting unique business operations.
Data Cleansing and Programmable Automation
Data cleansing is an essential step in data management and segmentation. And this is a step we must repeat after a few months.
With Operations Hub, HubSpot users can now cleanse the data in the platform because they now have a spreadsheet feature for data management.
Programmable Automation opens up custom code fields to achieve more complex automation workflow tasks, bringing endless possibilities.
Why should anyone use HubSpot Operations Hub? Why shouldn't they?
For the HubSpot Operations Hub subscription to pay off well, you might need to be a high-end HubSpot user with regular big data chunks from multiple sources because you only need data cleansing of that scale. If you easily quantify data coming in regularly, you probably won't use much of Operations Hub's data cleansing feature.
For the data syncing and integration feature, I would say that these are those features that you need once in a while, and you can skip paying monthly for them.
"Many people use it to sync data, which is not enough to keep an Operations Hub Subscription," says Sajeel Qureshi, VP of Operations, Computan. The features that HubSpot Operations Hub offers look good, but two things to look at before buying those. One is the monthly cost involved and how often you will use those features. "You can sync data with a custom integration, which might be cheaper long term than using Operations Hub." Says Sajeel.
If you don't have those requirements but still subscribe to HubSpot Operations Hub, you won't be using it to the fullest.
I've got Operations Hub. So now I don't need a custom integration, right?
Wrong. The same can be said for native integration and integration through connectors, but you still need custom integration for tricky business operations and unique data syncing requirements.
Imagine you paid for the Operations Hub to meet integration requirements, but there are still business cases that Ops Hub doesn't or won't meet. In that case, you need custom integration. So, your investment in Ops Hub won't be profitable.
Why do I need HubSpot Operations Hub in the first place?
Ask this before you go for the Ops Hub. Don't buy it because everybody is buying it, or with FOMO - Fear of Missing Out on the new tech. Consider your options for what your company can do with or without the Operations Hub.
Do Operations Hub users get the most out of the product?
The answer is Yes and No for different users.
Yes, those users who get the most out of Ops Hub have huge data chunks from multiple sources. They need data cleansing quickly done after regular intervals, and paying for a tool is cheaper than manually doing it. Those users get the most out of Ops Hub.
No, those users don't get the most out of Ops Hub who can handle data cleansing cheaper than HubSpot Ops Hub.
Yes, those users who get the most out of Ops Hub who think regular Automation is not enough for them. Programmable Automation solves most of the workflow issues.
No, those users who pay for data syncing and integration solutions don't get the most out of Ops Hub because they still can't see their business processes fit in.