Abdul Majid

Meet Abdul!  He is a HubSpot Integration Developer and Laravel Developer on the Computan team.  He has built several custom HubSpot integrations from scratch and worked on many custom applications as well.  In this edition of behind the coding, Abdul talks about his plans for a new bike, why Shopify kept him up late and how his grandmother is a computer wizard like him. 

What are the last three things you Googled and why? 

Poet Restaurant pictures  


Our internal team decided to have a team dinner there.  I hadn’t heard of the place and wanted to see how good it was.    

Nice! It was a great dinner.  What else have you been Googling?  

Yamaha YBR Bike rates 


I want to buy a new bike and am interested in the Yamaha YBR. 

What makes the Yamaha YBR your bike of choice? 

I tested it on rode, and it was really comfortable.  It’s a nice  Yamaha YBR, a comfortable bike, and good for long routes.   

Is anything wrong with the current bike? 

Nothing wrong with the current bike…but I really want to buy that one. 

3 – How to find the webhooks delivery report in Shopify.  I couldn’t find where the webhooks were located.   

When was the last time you worked after hours to solve a hard problem? 

A couple of weeks ago, Webhooks was failing in my Shopify application.  After wondering, I found a webhooks API.  Things started working properly. (Some brief regarding this project) Online store needed to track orders coming from the online Shopify Store and orders to be stored in a middleware.  Then our middleware punches the Orders to the Kendago server (Integration between Shopify and Kendago). 

Who are three people you'd like to have dinner with at the same time, and why?   

Parents and sister.  They helped me a lot with my studies.  My parents have supported me alot financially and emotionally.  My Sister taught me a lot in Grades 9 and 10. 

Where would you guys go? What would you eat? 

I will recommend the Poet’s Restaurant.   

When was the last time you cried tears of laughter? 
6 Months ago, on the Computan trip.  Shahid Hussain sang songs.  He sounds nothing like the artist, but he sings funnily.   

What do you love about coding? 

I like to figure out solutions to problems, and the feeling you get when you solve a problem is amazing.  

Where were you when you first saw a laptop/desktop? 

2002/2003 at my Maternal Grandmother’s house. Used to go there every year. Grandmother uses that computer to call VOIP technology. Also, she can type messages on Whatsapp, uses the computer,   
What is something your teammates don't know about you?

I put stories on Social Media.  On Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp.  Not many of them follow me on social media!