If you want to track visitor behaviour and conversion data on your website, as well as, the results of your marketing efforts, HubSpot is one of the best tools on the market.

HubSpot is an all-in-one marketing software that provides the analytics that you need to make more intelligent decisions about your digital presence and can even you help automate some of your more tasking digital duties.

If you're ready to set up a HubSpot website integration with your own site, here are a few things that you should know.


Can you integrate your CMS with HubSpot?

One way that this software becomes one of your most powerful digital resources is by accommodating HubSpot API development. The other way is by providing a JavaScript tracking code that can be easily added to various website platforms.

On more popular CMS's like WordPress, HubSpot has developed a standing website integration. You can learn more about the HubSpot WordPress integration here.

Alternatively, you can have your website built on HubSpot's own CMS or create subdomain's to develop marketing and sales tools like landing pages on the platform as well.

HubSpot provides thorough instructions for how to integrate your CMS with it's software if you are currently struggling, request a free support quote here.


What are the benefits of integrating HubSpot with my website?

Not only should you be integrating HubSpot with your website for data tracking, but you should be using HubSpot to manage all of your digital marketing efforts. HubSpot provides the tools that marketers as an extension businesses needs to attract traffic, convert leads and define ROI.

When you know what page of your website a lead converted on you can then send them marketing automation emails tailored to help them close or you can prepare your sales team with more lead intelligence.

You will also have access to data like what sources are driving the most traffic and what keywords are driving organic traffic. This helps set a benchmark for your marketing efforts one that can be tracked and built upon.


When you integrate your website with HubSpot you allow your online efforts to be data driven. If you need help integrating your website with HubSpot or need customization handled within your HubSpot portal, request a free HubSpot support consult below.

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