If time is money, then every minute, hour, day, week, and month gets added to your wealth. Your bank shows you every transaction to let you know where your money is going, so you can spend intelligently and save accordingly. Similarly, you need a calendar scheduler to tell you where you are spending most of the time. In a proper professional ecosystem where you have tasks assigned and have meetings with prospects, keeping track of your every move becomes necessary.
Automated Calendar Scheduling tools divide your time and let you shift toward productive time spending. Productive people find ways to reduce their empty slots and fill them with productive activities. You can do more, achieve more with properly managed daily, weekly, or monthly managed schedules.
The Traditional Method
Someone fills the content form on your website. If you have given the phone number directly, then they call you directly; otherwise, you make the first call and then ask, ‘Is it a good time to talk.’ Then passing the ball game begins. ‘I am not available here; please call me at this time.’ And, if the prospect is in a different time zone, then another executive in the night shift will make the call.
To eradicate the unpredictability of calls, the marketing automation software were designed to manage every contact, your next move, what’s the status all in one place.
The Calendar scheduling software are one of the integral blocks of the automation system. If you want to remove the nurturing the lead part, then Calendar scheduling software are best to make you productive and manage your time. It’s a smoother way to handle your meetings and your daily, weekly, and monthly schedules.
Calendly is one automated virtual schedule assisting software that has made masses love it for its ease of use and loaded features.
What Can You Do With Calendly?
- Allow people to schedule individual meeting slots to have a meeting with you. Whether the users are tech-savvy or not, they simply have to fill the available time in the form slot to schedule the meeting. It is that simple.
- Automatically schedule meetings with your team based on priority, availability, and equity.
- Host webinars, training sessions
What More Calendly Does For You?
- Calendly sends you notifications and reminders about your upcoming meeting so you can keep track of your schedule on your tips.
- It caps your maximum daily meetings for maximum output and efficiency.
- Its intelligent time zone detection displays the time zone you are in.
- Allows you to customize your profile by removing its own branding – that’s very humble of Calendly.
How to Maximize Calendly’s Features?
- Calendly offers integrations with other calendars such as Outlook, Google, Office 365, iCloud, and more to bring all meeting data in one place.
- Embed it on your website to let your prospects directly schedule a meeting in the available slots. You don’t have to enter the meeting schedule manually. You receive the notifications of every meeting on your preferred device.
- Integrate it with your current apps such as Zoom, Salesforce, HubSpot, Zapier, Paypal, intercom, Stripe, Facebook Pixel, GoToMeeting to get the maximum out of Calendly.
- For paid sessions, you can collect payment through Calendly. For this, you have to integrate it with Stripe of Paypal.
Here’s the Simple Procedure to Setup Calendly for Your Website
As soon as you log in to your Calendly account, it asks you to set up your availability schedule. You choose the time frames of the available hours on the available days. The above image shows the time frame from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM from Monday to Friday.
On the next screen, you are asked to create an event or choose from the default event. An event could be a one-to-one meeting or group meeting. Group meetings are generally for training sessions, webinars, etc. Here, you also choose the meeting duration. For this example, I am taking the 30-minute meeting.
On the very next screen, you fill in the details of the event.
- Insert details about the event.
- Set the duration of the event.
- Set questions for the invitees if you want to know them beforehand.
- Setup notifications about the Event on emails and text messages.
- Allow invitees to cancel the meeting for a week.
- Show the invitees a confirmation page once the meeting is booked.
- If it is a paid seminar, you can even collect the payments during the meeting booking.
What event it this? – You enter the name, and the location of the event. The location here tells how the event will be taken forward. Will it happen over the call, personal meeting, Google Meet, among other options. You also get the last option to let the invitees decide how they want the meeting to be taken forward.
In a few location cases, specify who will initiate call/meeting. You can do it in any way you want.
When can people book this Event? – If you are running a training campaign for 30 days. Then you can let the Event run for 30 days. After 30 days, event booking will automatically be stopped. You can even allow the invitees to book the meeting minimum of 24 hours before the meeting time, so you can get enough time to prepare.
Once everything is set, this is how your prepared calendar will look. Meeting duration, organizer, and location are displayed on the left-hand side. The event description also gets displayed on the left-hand side (which is missing in this example because I didn’t put any). On the right side, the available and occupied time frames for the meeting are displayed.
Click on the home button, and you see the above screen. Then click on the Settings icon of your Event and add the Event to your website.
A code snippet is generated. Copy the code and place it on the website where you want this Calendly widget to show up, and you are done. People are now ready to book appointments. And, you get all the updates about the bookings in your mail, Calendly app, and text messages.
Use Calendly’s REST-based API to integrate with any of your websites.
These automated calendar scheduling apps, or what I like to call them – TimeBanks, show you the real worth of your time and how productive you can be. Without these tools, you would waste your time (metaphorical money) without even knowing.