The best types of online advertising for ecommerce businesses do more than just drive traffic- instead, the focus lies on directing qualified leads to your site and converting customers into long-term fans.

Your digital marketing strategy should include a variety of elements, but of course one of the most important aspects is advertising.

There are three main platforms that work extremely well for ecommerce business advertising: Google, Facebook, and Instagram. Each of these networks provides ample opportunity for you to grow and profit online.


Google Adwords and PPC

Google is the largest search engine on the Internet, so it’s imperative that you would want to make sure you have a presence there. While making money with Google Adwords takes some time and effort, it can be rewarding as long as the right ecommerce best practices are followed.

Make a plan that includes time for tracking, analyzing, and tweaking. Always monitor and double-check your campaigns to make sure that your targeting tactics are working and you’re not wasting money on keywords that aren’t driving you any traffic.


Facebook and Social PPC Campaigns

These advertising campaigns are among the most effective types of online advertising to drive business to your ecommerce store.

Facebook is the largest social network in the world, with over 2 billion active users. When you market on this platform you can reach a vast audience from all over the world, hitting more qualified traffic than ever.

Another great thing about social media marketing is the fact that you can convert your customers into fans and have them advocate for you. When you produce great products, people want to share them with others, and will spread word of mouth about your brand, which generates business and helps establish trust for your brand.


Instagram Advertising

Instagram is rising in popularity for ecommerce businesses thanks to many useful marketing features integrated in the platform. More than 500 million people use Instagram every month, and the platform even boasts higher engagement rates than Facebook.

It’s easy to set up Instagram ads, as you can do this right in Facebook Ads Manager. You will also want to keep an eye out for the Instagram Shopping feature, currently being tested on big commerce sites but likely to roll out soon for all businesses.

However, a word of caution when using Instagram advertising. Since this platform is built on beautiful, eye-catching pictures, generic stock photos will not cut it and you will need to make sure you are using personalized images of your products.


Get the Right Ecommerce Support for Your Business

One of the best things you can do for your ecommerce digital strategy is to work with a company that specializes in helping your business succeed. Whether you need web development, ppc management, or a new marketing strategy, a team that can really do it all could be your new secret weapon.

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